I keep getting reminders to refill my system, even though there's still water left in the tank. Why?

Dear customer, it is important to understand that waste water is generated during the filtration process of any reverse osmosis system, including the iSpring RCD100HCG. This waste water is stored separately within the tank after the filtration process is complete. To maintain optimal system performance, please ensure that you completely empty the tank before refilling it.

Why does the baffle in the tank sometimes allow waste water to flow back into the source water section? Will this affect the quality of my filtered water?

Rest assured, this won't impact the quality of your filtered water. In fact, it's part of the innovative design aimed at maximizing the use of source water and minimizing waste. The waste water is cycled back into the raw water tank and initially mixed with the raw water. As it accumulates more contaminants, it's separated in the waste water cube to prevent it from being filtered again, ensuring the RO membrane isn't exposed to water outside its optimal range. So while it might seem unusual, it is actually a deliberate feature designed to optimize the system's efficiency and resource utilization.

I noticed that my source water TDS is around 500 ppm and the output is around 50 ppm. However, I also have a traditional 5-stage RO system installed which can reduce TDS down to 30 ppm. Is this level of TDS reduction normal for this system?

Yes, please rest assured that it's completely normal. Unlike traditional 5-stage RO systems, the RCD100HCG is specifically designed to not only remove contaminants but also replenish beneficial minerals to balance pH levels and enhance taste. This mineral addition contributes to a slightly higher TDS reading. It's crucial to understand that while reducing TDS is important, it's not the sole factor determining water quality. According to the EPA, TDS is considered as a secondary standard for drinking water quality. Instead of solely aiming for extremely low to zero TDS, it's important to find a balance between eliminating harmful contaminants and preserving essential minerals. Additionally, regular maintenance such as filter replacements and sanitization of water tanks is also crucial for maintaining optimal performance and water quality.

I've heard about this thermoelectric cooler thing. What exactly is it and how does it compare to the standard compressor cooling approach?

Thermoelectric cooling technology is an innovative cooling method that offers several advantages over traditional compressors. It consumes less power, takes up less space, and operates more silently. While they may produce cold water slightly slower than compressors, as long as the system has a maintained power supply, there is no noticeable gap or delay in the user experience. Additionally, thermoelectric coolers require minimal maintenance, making them a convenient and efficient choice for water cooling systems. However, please note that the lowest temperature that can be reached with thermoelectric coolers is 50°F, slightly higher than the 41°F that compressors can achieve. While this difference may not be significant for most users, it's something to consider depending on individual preferences and needs.